tanglednlove · 2 years ago
The Green Dress
The green dress from the Tangled concept art has shown up several times in doll sets.💚
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scurviesdisneyblog · 1 year ago
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Rapunzel concept art for Tangled (2010) by Claire Keane
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tangledbea · 10 months ago
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The Lorcana cards (so far) from the "Rise of the Floodborn" and "Into the Inklands" sets.
They're actually using series style in "Heal What Has Been Hurt" ;u;
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spookberry · 2 months ago
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a couple months ago I drew the Desrosiers at disneyland cuz I was at disneyland at the time and i kept thinking about which princesses they'd like best
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the-halfling-prince · 1 year ago
Designed a dress I want to make heavily inspired by Merida from brave and then I decided to draw it on Merida.
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The original sketch:
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#I've been big on costume design ever since sophomore year when I was on our play's costume team and I like to think I'm good at it#In 11th grade I got a superior at districts competition for costume design so#Unfortunately I didn't get to do it again in 12th grade#I think my into the woods antebellum Red riding Hood and my regency Rapunzel would have gotten high scores but whatevs#Oh yeah! I also gave her archery gloves. I wish I had archery gloves it would save my hands so much pain#I have money I should get some#This had got to be one of my only dress designs without a million pounds of tulle#I like tulle heavy dresses lol#Like my Cinderella from into the woods design. Or my Juliet and Clara dresses (I admit I do name the dresses I design with people names#I know a lot of people do that and I think it's better than saying 'oh that one pink dress' like babes which one#I still need to properly draw my tinkerbell dior dress design#Basically the skirt is just like that one door dress. The one that looks like it's got flower petals. But it's green#And also very tulle heavy#For this dress I was trying to figure out a way to incorporate tartan in the design and as I was looking online for teal velvet fabric I#remembered how hard it is to find that exact shade of fabric (my dad made me a merida dress when I was little and it took forever for him t#find the exact shade) and then I realized I could just use blue and green tartan (which is way easier to find they've got plenty at Joann's#And I'm pretty sure my dad already has some I could use) instead!#I want to get a few simpler sewing projects under my belt before I attempt this#But my mum suggested I make a matching dress for my dolls and like. Literally amazing idea.#I've got a tunic I need to make for a convention so that's how I'm gonna start. Like the most I've done on a sewing machine is hem so yeah#we're starting small#I design dresses all the time so I really need to learn to sew so I can make them#And this is my motivation I NEED this dress#Anyway#my posts#my art#pixar brave#I once said my favorite Disney princess was Merida and my friend said 'yeah that's what I figured' like??? Is it obvious?#anyway moving on
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dreaming-in-seams · 1 year ago
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How I spend down time at work: sneakily sketching dresses in my notebook while I slowly lose my mind over stupid pet owners 🙃
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valiantroyalty · 1 year ago
“Oh it’s not just mornings! It takes forever to brush! And if I’m not careful. I’ll trip or become tangled!” Punzie let out a small, sheepish laugh, but a smile was on her lips. “I don’t have many tips, I just brush it. Mother doesn’t let me do anything to it.” However, now that she’s here, Cater does braid it for her!
“Purple is a really great color! It compliments a lot.”
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elijones94 · 1 year ago
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🌺🌸🌼 “Now, we’re beach ready.” ~ Rapunzel 🌴🎨
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nettles-nest · 9 months ago
they should of put rapunzel in a green dress she is literally a little forest princess!!!
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deadghosy · 8 months ago
How would (Separate) Hazbin hotel (Demons &Angel) react to a green thumb gardener whose elegant, classy and attractive and she went to hell by mistake but it was a happy one (She's not completely weak as she has her plant to protect her and everything)
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prompt: a common mistake made demons and angels swoon over a gardener who just wants to take care of her/his plants
cw! Sir Pentious is alive for this so he can witness your beauty in flowers💗
note! I listened to Lana Del Rey while making this lol.
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You didn’t know you were supposed to be in heaven as you started your own flower shop. It was the biggest know hell flower store with actual flowers.
You were practically poison ivy, but more kind and definitely calmer. Hell, even some of your regulars call you poison ivy. Mostly because if people touch you metaphorically the wrong way, then you technically show them a harsher side of you. Literally, a plant impaled a sinner trying to rob your store. 
What you didn’t except to get friends or even people interested into you as you just have a normal as shop you dreamed of before dying.
“Welcome to my flower shop, what can I help you with?” You said with a soft smile as a flower vine is watering other flowers in the background. Some imps, sinners, and hell borns go all the way to just see you and your flowers.
I can see you wearing a flower crown or just flowers in your hair. Like dead ass giving rapunzel. Possibly so, your alive flowers and vines had made that for you as you worked.
You most definitely wear those cute gardening outfits like overalls or those dresses if you prefer one of them or both.
See this is what I can imagine, I can imagine the whole damn hotel having a flower competition and you show up with a big ass plant with a neat pink bow on it 😭. You definitely had a smile as you drank tea with a secret smirk.
I can see you visiting the hotel Charlie has as she invited you to do some flower decor for a reopening of the hotel.
Imagine how pissed you were when a couple of sinners came in to make your shop look like shit. But you wasn’t gonna stand for it as you raised your hand grabbing the sinners by their necks with vines. “If you want flowers, I wouldn’t mind making you a funeral for you to have some.” You said with venom as the sinner practically shitted themselves as they were thrown out the windows of your shop.
A sinner had thrown a Molotov cocktail once in your shop all because he thought it was weird to have a “girly” flower shop in hell. As the fire spreads in your shop, you sighed having plant vines cover you in a big ball as one of the vine slither to find the culprit. After finding the culprit, you forced them to clean your shop since killing someone for such a petty crime like that in your opinion isn’t worth killing. You can always make a new shop and fix it.
Vaggie most definitely knows you as you hooked her up with flowers that Charlie might like. You told her Charlie seems like a simple girl would just like roses since they represent romance. And basically it was Vaggie and Charlie’s date night. And it was a success.
Angel dust loves how you don’t judge him for who he is by his work. But he definitely loves how you two gossip over some tea, well he drinks while you drink tea or water. You are like an older sister/brother figure to him. He loves resting in your bean bag you have in the back, he could just come in and and lay down straight.
I headcannon your whole palette to be like green, pink, yellow and white. Literally just spring ass colors to seem classy with your flower shop.
I can imagine you having the personality of applejack but more of a flower and gardening person as gardener! Reader were most definitely born in the south. Like I can imagine reader to be a mix of applejack, rarity, fluttershy but 100% of applejack’s honesty and a lot of Rarity’s elegance.
Niffty adores you! Literally she goes in your store to rant about she wants the hotel to smell fresh and ready. And you hook a sista up with how you give her scented plug in. She immediately starts worshipping you like Alastor which makes Alastor raise a brow seeing a shine of you in her room and drawings of you.
Charlie immediately loves how vaggie and angel ador you and find you as a loyal friend. She would love to have you at the hotel as a resident. She could even beg Alastor or her dad to make a flower shop for you to even stay longer by briding. She would also try to become your friend for her to succeed.
Sir Pentious went to your store to apologize again to Alastor as he felt that Alastor didn’t forgave him. He was scared you weren’t a kind “sinner” that only had a flower shop to scam people for their money. But when you spoke with kindness and care towards the snake demon. He felt calm in your presence, to the point when he got his flowers. He gave you one which made you smile at him and put it in your hair. He blushed and ran off.
The egg boiz love too appear in your store as their boss, penthouse is very nervous to talk to such an attractive person like you. You welcome the eggz to your humble store as you give them flowers to give back to the hotel staffs.
Angel and Cherri most definitely asked you to give them flowers to match their personality. You gave them both a Carnation flower which you thought was good for their personality. Or even a Lilly.
Husk kept seeing the crew leave the hotel to see them come back with flowers. He grumble confused at why they kept getting flowers. That is until he asked Charlie, and Charlie ranted about what a beauty and how kind you are. Husk raised a brow thinking you were putting up an act, so he went to see you. Let’s just say he got a rose coming back with a soft smile and a purr.
The Vee’s heard about you, Vox heard about you first and looked you up to see you are a popular florist and gardener with the power of Chlorokinesis. The power to mentally and physically control flowers. Vox smirked hearing about your 5 star rating shop. If it was that high ranked with people commenting it on yelp saying you were the best business to be at. You definitely got his attention at most.
Lucifer went to your store for some flowers to give to his daughter, and when he heard how amazing your store was. He went to se it himself. He definitely felt your pure spirit making him stumble into confusion on why you weren’t in heaven already. But he got his flowers and felt with a cup of tea you gave him. He shortly came back at the end of the day to give you his own flowers as he smiled with a snake smile and left leaving a note that says, “you’re welcome to come stay at the hotel! :)”
Alastor finally decided to meet you after hearing all the good things you did for the hotel and for the staff. He must say he was jealous how you won their hearts so damn quickly. He went to your store to see what’s all the fuss about and got hit with a lavender scent in his nose. He covered it as he wasn’t use to such sweet smell in hell as it’s filled with fire and blood. And there you were sitting there with a smile as warm plate of teas sat by you. You welcomed him as he made chat with you to find your heart pure with gold. He also left with a rose and a genuine smile.
I imagine how sweet you get your own flowers by regulars and your friends at the hotel as they love your passion about plants.
Headcannon on Gardner! Reader to be a Lana Del Rey fan as the song to match her/him is “born to die” 💗🦆
Vox was obviously the first Vee to meet you face to face as he had researched you so many times on the internet to get any scoop of you to only end up with an empty hand. So he decided to see you in person and smile with a charming one to see you greet him with a smile and show him the recommended flowers for loved one and family. He was not into the flowers as he watched the plant vines in the back work like hands. He smirks trying to use his hypnosis, but failed greatly as a flower in a vase covered his sighting of you. Thanks to your plant vines.
Velvette was the second one to come to your store as she was not impressed at how “boring and plain” it was in your shop. She was snarky about the decor and gave you tips on how to make it “pop” in here. You just smiled, and with a snap of your fingers, the decor changed to a more fashionable flower place. It made the female Vee almost drop her jaw and composure. But she can’t let some flower store shock her. So she left with one last snarky comment under her breath.
Valentino definitely came in last to see what was up with your whole popularity of your “business” of flowers as he was so busy working his porn industry. So when he walked in yo see you reaching for some flower seeds to get for a customer. He grabbed your waist, wanting to seem flirty only for it to backfire as a vine punches him away from you. You already knew who this bastard was, and you weren’t gonna let him get you like how he got angel. So during his entire visit at your shop, you made it a living hell. Literally.
I can see the Vee’s coming back every weekday to try and get you to be their little flower pet, but you ain’t buying it. 😘
You most definitely have a vine hammock in the corner of your store as you just sit there and nap during your breaks.
Imagine how cool and sweet you are to the imp and hell born children that come to visit your store for father day and mother day. Hell, even valentines days
I can headcannon that gardener! Reader has once in their hell life down there had to drag out a rude Karen ass bitch by their hair. You fuck with their plants, you fuck with them.
Imagine how chill you are just sipping tea as your plants and vines attack some dude trying to steal your sunflower seeds. Yeah, no one gets out without being traumatized by plants 😍
You came into the hotel once and immediately got love bombed by everyone. But not in a manipulate way, they just appreciate how amazing you are to people even the staff at most. They go as far to throw you a “welcoming” party 💗
Lucifer had most definitely sent ducks with mini flower crowns and a Gardner duck to you as he finds you very elegant and beautiful in your own way. He even accidentally tries to court you with his wings when he leans against at the front desk of your store staring into your eyes.
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Adam had eventually was sent to take you back into heaven as sera realized her mistake. You willingly went with Adam who smirked at your sweet smile and took you up by your hand. Like, let’s say whatever happened in the hell section didn’t happen as you just had a bad time in hell itself.
St. Peter immediately greets you, making feel welcome to your new home. He even baked you cookies with a smiley face. He tries to make chit chat with you when he isn’t on duty getting people into the gates. He literally visits your workplace in the flower store you own, bringing cookies, making sure you are okay. Hell-, I meannn heaven gods..he must be a househusband cause GYATT DAMN this man is making sure you are well and healthy in heaven’s care. 💗💗
Sera most definitely have showed you around heaven with a please smile to see a Gardner. You would’ve been great for the Garden of Eden, is what she says in her head as you smile at the trees and potted plants around. You even showed the seraphim your powers, and she must say that she was pleased and made you a gardener around heaven and even your own garden shop and house.
Emily most definitely tries to go visit you everyday to try and find flowers that match you so you can be surprise when she buys you flowers herself. You and Emily definitely have a sibling relationship at most because of how she looks up to you in a gardening way as she also wants to impress you by making her own garden and green house. She also makes sure you take breaks as she wants to help with the customers as you take a break in the back. Your friendship with her is so wholesome and lovely.
Adam likes how classy you are, you don’t even cuss him out when you are angry at him. You just put your hand in his face and walk away. Sassy, but classy enough to not curse someone the fuck out. Yeah sure that might’ve turned him on a bit at how hot and “bitchy” that was of you. Cause no one has ever rejected the “Dickmaster”. So it was his duty to make you his friend…sorta😨. But it’s all fun and games at how you guys are like frenemies at most since Adam actually can’t stand you, but still flirts at how attractive and kind you are. Hell even strong minded.
The angels absolutely love coming in your store! They find every single plant and flower you made incredible. You practically almost run out of business when it’s Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day. But you can’t complain when they leave so much heaven bucks for you to get more plant seeds and such. The angels also love how pure of gold your heart is as you even give some off free for the heaven borns and winners.
Big headcannon on how your Gardner outfit in heaven, the palette is a soft green and pink pastel. But Adam and Sera had thought about you wearing a gold, white, and blue type of Gardner outfit. They want you to stay pure and mighty.
Since i headcannon that Gardner! Reader to be a damn Lana Del Rey fan, their song that matches them in heaven is “young and beautiful.” As you are young and beautiful and mostly, you’re in heaven.
Literally imagine Adam just shows up to just degrade you, but it doesn’t work as you just sit there reading your daily newspaper or on your phone to just see plant and gardening instagram from earth and heaven. Adam pouts or even scoffs before taking your phone and acting like a fussy cat wanting attention.
You really don’t give a fuck about Adam but he definitely gives a fuck about you.
The angels sometimes ships you with Adam, but they also ship you with st.peter at how he is basically the house husband and you are the girl boss who works their ass off😭
Lute and Adam are definitely the type to be those teens who visit their local market..dead ass when they are free they just come to your store and just start “window shopping”…but really they just either want to mess with you or actually know about your day.
I can see you literally just chilling, and Adam busts open the store door that has that jingle bell on it so harsh and all he says is. “Wassup bitch!” With his usual grin and a soda cup as you just groan annoyed.
St.peter literally tried to work beside you ok his days off to just see how “calming” your job is. Until rush hour comes😭 that’s when hell itself unleashes with people wanting to grab any scented flower candles and flowers for theirselves. Have mercy on Peter’s soul that he doesn’t get grabbed and clawed all because he said that the last product was in the back. 😭😭
Imagine how cute your damn angel wings must be. Cause I imagine them to be some god damn fairy wings to match a beautiful aesthetic with your flower and gardening store.
I headcannon you actually had thrown Adam like how vaggie thrown the staff like in the episode of “scramble eggs.”
lol I can see you just slapping Adam with your plant vine because of one misogynist joke he made. He had the most whip lashed mark on his face. He stopped making those fücking jokes like that as he just flinches as a vine comes near him. “WALK HIM LIKE A DOGGG!!” 😘😍
Sera loves gaining flowers from you as the angelic guards bring them in as she is doing her work.
Emily also feels the same way as she smiles and makes the guard send you flowers as well for a thank you. 💗🥺 please give this sweet baby a note back saying you appreciate her damn note so much..
Imagine having a whole tea and cookie station by your front desk where people pay. Like they get a nice drink and a snack in case they were hungry and thirsty from their trip to here. 😘☀️ you care about your customers and regulars deeply.
St. Peter had one time mistook the glass doors to be opened and fell back so dramatically onto his ass, he might as well confirm himself as dead 💀
Emily most definitely actually tried to grow a plant or flower to show you how much she learnt from you, only for the damn thing to fail. She wanted to cry and shrivel up in disappointment, but you taught her and help fixed her mistake on what she did at most.
Lute most definitely acts better without Adam, of course she could act better with Adam. It’s just that Adam is her home dog, and she is Adam’s homegirl. So of course they are besties. So with Adam not interfering with you and lute talking one on one for the first time. You two get quite long to the point she grabs your hands and smile. Leaving with a flower you gave her.
Your plants just causally changing into the liked flower of the customer or regular due to your plant magic on sensing what flowers they like supposedly💗
Headcannon on how short you are. Literally you are shorter than lute to Adam and Emily. It’s really funny but to you, it’s annoying asf since Adam picks you up like a stray cat found at the front porch ready to be taken in.
Emily and sera would have tea time with you definitely. Or coffee if they prefer. You don’t gossip of course but just lift each other up and talk about hanging out later in the days or weeks later. Heck even the day later maybe if Emily is very eager.
Lute most definitely had thrown flowers in your face as she isn’t use to showing affection towards a person she actually admires. Yeah she admires Adam, as a boss and best friend. But there is something about you that makes her stumble on her words.
You had to actually stay home once, forced by sera who got told by Adam you were overworking yourself. Adam and sera hated it as sera showed go to your job looking serious. Forcing you to stay in bed until you had a good sleep for the week.
Imagine just gardener! Reader literally accidentally making Adam spit out a four leaf clover as they were saying a spell in Latin to have four leaf clovers for St. Patrick’s day.
I headcannon Adam sometimes tries to court you with his wings, and you are confused as hell as you aren’t use to being courted by some fucking feathers.
I can see you having a potted plant pet beside you. It was practically a sapling as it smiled with heaven magic and told positive affirmations to waking customers. It’s so fuckin adorable
I imagine you just sleeping as your overworked at your store and Adam comes in pissed off you didn’t come home. So he literally picks you up over his shoulder and walks Home. He has the damn key to your house but he decides to just go to his house and lay you on his bed as he sleeps on the couch grumbling.
St.Peter, after that little incident with him walking into a glass door. This mofo literally puts his hands out towards any glass door 😭 like a little kid being traumatized after a glass maze. It’s so funny but so sad.
A young heaven born had brought you back a freaking flower crown in your most favorite flowers and you were so amazed. You gave the small little angel a flower crown of their own.
The visits are always welcomed to your store as Adam brings you his own set of flowers to try to impress you. 💗 you snickered seeing the note that says, “i hope you like it..bitch. *middle finger drawing* I heard this plant was your favorite.” Sweet, but sour ass motherfuker. 😭😭
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waltprincesse · 21 days ago
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rapunzel concept art + green dress
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paintbrushnebula · 4 months ago
Disney: We won't allow Rapunzel to wear a green dress in canon because green is Tiana's trademark Disney Princess color. Purple is Rapunzel's trademark color.
Also Disney: *puts Asha in a purple dress*
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tangledbea · 5 months ago
How far into the development of the show did Rapunzel have her green dress before they ditched it for the classic purple?
Pretty early. They tried and tried to get Disney to bend on that, and even made a point of doing series-style promotional art in order to try to convince the higher ups. But the decree was that green is Tiana's color and Rapunzel's is purple, so they had to keep her (primarily) in purple.
At least we got the island dress.
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juanarc-thethird · 3 months ago
What can I get you? #7
Bleiss is once again spying on Jaune as he works to find more of his housewreckers admirers . She wears a costume like last time. A large khaki trench coat, sunglasses and a discreet black hat that covers her hair.
Meanwhile, Jaune continues doing his job normally. While out of the corner of his eye he watches Bleiss sitting at the back of the restaurant eating her seventh hamburger.
Jaune: (Does she really think I don't notice her in that costume?)
He says to himself
Then a new client appears in front of him. A girl a little taller than normal, wearing a green dress, a green beret that she matches, and very round black glasses. But what caught her attention the most was her long curly reddish hair that reached the middle of her back.
She looked a little shy, as if this was the first time she had come to a place like this. She prepares to speak and says…
Random guy: You're taking too long, girl!
A man says as he cuts the line and stands in front of her. Pushing her back from such action. Luckily she doesn't fall, just her glasses get loose a little.
Bleiss: (What an asshole!)
Random Guy: I want an enlarged number 9 and a chocolate shake, pronto.
Jaune: I'm sorry but you will have to wait your turn. The young lady behind you was first.
Random guy: Come on boy, she was taking too long. Just give me what I order and I'll get the hell out of here.
Jaune: I'm sorry, but you'll have to wait like everyone else.
Random guy: Listen to me asshole, I'm starving. Give me my damn food and I'll get the fuck out of here.
At that moment you could see a vein forming on Jaune's forehead. His co-workers notice and move away a little.
Jaune: I'm sorry, but as I mentioned before, the lady behind you came first. Once she finishes giving me her order, I will gladly help you.
Random guy: Don't you listen to me, you moron! I'm starving here! Give me my fucking food!
Jaune: Sir, I can't...
Random guy: I don't give a fuck! Give me my food now!
At that moment Jaune's smile disappeared and his face changed to anger.
Jaune: *Furious* I don't give a flying fuck about your food. I mean, who the fuck do I look like? Your goddamn servant?
Random guy: W-What?! You can't talk like that!
Jaune: Bitch, I can talk to you any way I fucking want! But fuck it, if you really want your food so bad. Then let's go to the parking lot, and I'll drag you all the way to the dumpster so you can eat something. But if you don't want that, then Wait. Your. Fucking. Turn. Got it?!
Random guy: Y-Yes, sir.
Bleiss: *Blushing* (Fuck~💕 That was hot~)
Jaune: *Smiles* Good. Now can you give the lady some space, please.
Random guy: O-Of course.
The guy moves out of the way and the girl walks to the counter.
Jaune: What would you like to order, Miss?
Taking her gaze away from Jaune's. She hugs her book tightly and looks hard into Jaune's eyes. She looks nervous and her face is completely flushed. She tries to say something but it's hard for her.
Jaune: It's ok, take your time.
He says with his bright smile
?????: M-My...
Jaune: Yes?
Penny: M-My n-name is Pe-Pe-Penny!
Jaune: Nice to meet you Penny. My name is Jaune. What would you like to order? Or do you need help with the menu?
Penny: I...
Jaune: *Smiling*
Penny: I...!
Jaune: Hm?
Penny: I NEED TO GO!
Penny runs towards the exit, leaving Jaune confused.
Jaune: Did I scare her?
Unknown to him, Penny was outside against the wall of the restaurant. He hugs her tightly while she breathes softly. She then moves the book away from her body. And as she looks at the cover she says.
Penny: I finally found him~
Revealing the cover that says "Rapunzel"
Showing a girl trapped in a tower with very long hair, being rescued by a knight using said hair to climb.
-------------- Housewreckers Admirers: ?+1
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fluentmoviequoter · 2 months ago
Dress Up
Requested Here!
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x fem!reader
Summary: Lila wants to wear matching Halloween costumes with you, and you're both surprised when Deacon joins.
Warnings: pure fluff, Tangled references. I can't stop putting Transformers everywhere I can get away with
Word Count: 1.2k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Kay Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Photo from Paramount Press
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“This is the story of how I died. But don’t worry, this is a fun story, and the truth is, it isn’t even mine.”
You smile at the familiar sound of Tangled playing on the television. Lila has decided that it is her favorite movie since watching it with you for the first time several months ago. Since then, she’s started it alone, asked to watch it for family movie night, and pretended to be Rapunzel more times than you can count.
“Again?” you ask playfully. “Do you want popcorn?”
“Not until they get to the Duckling!” Lila answers, not looking away from the screen.
“The Snugly Ducking?” you clarify as you move to sit beside her. “Why then?”
“Because it’s a restaurant,” Lila says as if it’s obvious. “And I like the song.”
You hum and turn your attention to the movie. It’s a great movie, no doubt, and when Lila moves closer to you while Mother Gothel takes Rapunzel from the castle, you decide you’ll watch it as many times as Lila wants.
“Lila,” you whisper. “What do you want to be for Halloween?”
She frowns and says, “Matthew told me it was dumb.”
“Matthew was wrong. He clearly doesn’t know what you like. So…”
She gestures weakly to the screen, and you ask, “Rapunzel?”
She shrugs, and you pat her shoulder before you retrieve your phone and look for family costumes based on the movie. The third picture shows a man and woman dressed as Flynn and Rapunzel and a young girl smiling in a Pascal costume.
“Something like this?” you ask, passing her your phone.
“Yes!” Lila exclaims. “I can be Pascal?!”
“And you’ll be Rapunzel?”
Your mouth opens, but no sound comes out. The goal had been to find Lila a costume, but if she wants a matching costume, you’ll gladly dress up with her. Deacon plans to spend every holiday of the rest of your life with you anyway, so this should be a good place to start.
“And we can surprise Dad,” Lila adds.
“Right. We’ll find the perfect costumes, make them, maybe, and surprise him after work that day!”
“Yay!” Lila screams.
“Hold on,” you say with Flynn. “Yep, I’m used to it. Guys, I want a castle.”
Lila laughs as she settles beside you again, and you save the picture to ensure the costumes you decide on are as perfect as possible.
“This is a very big day, Pascal,” you murmur softly.
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With a week and a half to Halloween, you know every word of Tangled, and the final touches are nearly complete on Lila’s costume. She’s managed to keep it a secret from Deacon, but you’re not sure she can make it to Halloween without slipping up.
“Lila, can you try this on for me?” you ask.
She runs into the bedroom where you’ve been working and sticks her arms out. You smile and slide the green sleeves over her arms before checking the covered zipper in the back.
“Adorable,” you decide. “Does it feel okay?”
Lila nods quickly, looking down at her costume as she sways.
“Try yours on!” she says excitedly.
“I have to finish mine first,” you explain. “Maybe tomorrow.”
“Hello?” Deacon calls as he enters the front door. “Anyone home?”
“No!” you yell, quickly removing Lila’s costume to return it to the closet.
“Can we watch-“ Lila begins.
“Let me guess,” you interrupt. “Die Hard?”
“No! Tangled!”
“Oh, what’s that about?” you tease.
Lila hugs you, then runs to greet her dad. A moment later, he appears in the doorway, smiling at you.
“What are you doing in here?” he asks.
“I was looking for a pencil. They just can’t get Flynn’s nose right.”
Deacon chuckles and pulls you into a hug. He kisses the top of your head and then leads you back to the kitchen to help you finish dinner.
“Thank you,” Deacon says. “The kids love you; I love you, but you don’t have to do so much for us.”
“I want to. I love the kids, too.”
“Just the kids?”
You smile and tilt your chin up for a kiss. After Deacon pulls back, you nod and say, “I love you, too. Go sit with Lila and Samuel, I’ll finish here.”
“Matthew’s at the sleepover?” Deacon asks.
“He is. Everything was going well over there last I checked.”
Deacon drags his hand across your back as he exits the kitchen. When you walk into the living room a few minutes later to tell them dinner is ready, Lila points to Pascal. You know what’s coming but don’t have time to stop her before she speaks.
“That’s what I looked like!” she says.
“You’re dressing up as Pascal?” Deacon deduces.
She looks at you, guilty. When you smile and nod, she answers, “Yep!”
“Interesting costume choice.” Deacon looks at you with a smile. He adds, “I’m sure you’ll look just like him.”
“He’s a chameleon, so you might not be able to find me.”
“I’ll always find you, Lila.”
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Your phone chimes with an incoming text while you’re securing Lila’s Pascal mask onto the back of her costume. Once it’s attached, you read the message from Deacon and smile.
“Your dad got off early,” you tell her. “He’s on his way home to trick or treat with all of us.”
“Can you help me?” Matthew asks, walking into the room with his costume hanging around his waist. “I can’t get my arms in the sleeves.”
“Of course, get over here, Optimus Prime,” you answer.
“I’m Nemesis Prime,” Matthew corrects as you pull the plastic plates over his hands.
“For now. Where’s Bumblebee?”
“Here!” Samuel announces, posing in the doorway with his hands on his hips.
“Wow! You look great.” Matthew steps back once his costume is in place, and you say, “Your dad is on the way home.”
Matthew and Samuel walk with heavy robot steps toward the living room to wait for their dad and fill him in on their Autobot adventures. Lila waits in the room with you as you put things away. Just before you reach up to close the window, someone stops outside it.
“Rapunzel!” Deacon yells. “Let down your hair!”
You laugh as you walk to the window. The laughter fades into shock when you see Deacon. He’s on the path to the front door in a Flynn Rider costume. Just when I thought he couldn’t get more attractive, you think.
“Let down your hair,” he repeats, smiling.
You pull the long braid you made of yarn, a blonde wig, and fake flowers over your shoulder and drape it over the windowsill.
“Get in here, Fitzherbert,” you demand.
Deacon salutes you, then walks to the front door. Once the window is closed, you follow Lila through the hall to greet Deacon properly.
“You’re Flynn,” you murmur, smoothing Deacon’s costume across his chest. “It’s a good look for you.”
“You look beautiful,” he replies, holding your waist. “I love you.”
“I love you.”
Deacon kisses you quickly, but you’re interrupted by Samuel singing, “I want candy!”
“Rapunzel?” Deacon asks, offering his hand.
You take his hand, then offer your free hand to Lila. While Optimus Prime (already saved from his Nemesis Prime brainwashing, as you expected) and Bumblebee lead the way, you walk with the love of your life and the chameleon that brought you together.
“You can’t complain when she asks to watch this movie again,” you whisper to Deacon.
“I’m going to introduce her to The Goonies next,” he jokes.
Lila pulls you toward a house, and your hand slips out of Deacon’s as you reply, “Not until you do the truffle shuffle.”
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